Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Sprawled in the Lawn

People deal with the changes in weather in interesting ways.

To think for a second that it is us that have control over ourselves when the weather meter points directly at what we desire is blasphemy. The urge most everyone experienced this past week, including many of us Beze Third Floor Eveners, to sprawl ourselves, books, pens, computers and absorb the ideal temperatures, share of shade and sunlight, and clear crisp air was not self administered. In this case, we become victim to the appeal of the changes in season. Commonly misinterpreted is the idea that it is us that has so brilliantly gathered ourselves outside to indulge our senses in the turning of a new season leaf, sometimes meant literally. These times each year the leaves fall from the trees, not by our own faults, but because that's just the way it happens. Do we have any control over this? None whatsoever, which is why we are standby's to this ultimate change and also why we sprawl ourselves to absorb the differences.

Any surplus amount of anything is bad, as my mother says. She never said it about the changing of seasons, but here too the message stands. Too much heat is exhausting. Too much cold is suffocating. Now, at the turn of these seasons when the leaves drop in our lawn and provide for a comfortable layer atop our already green and lush foundation of St. Augustine, is when we open our doors to the pleasure of natures splendid balance. We Third Floor Eveners invite what is outside in with us, and are often led to it. It takes our hand and we almost unknowingly submit to it. We display our submission proudly as to say "Yes! I've made it this far. I recognize what you're intentions are with me and that you are here to soothe the reminder of my dry dusty summer, or my long frigid winter. Make my soul crisp again." When we submit together, and at once, it's a marvel. It's not here long, so lets continue to absorb. Never can you absorb enough of a balance.

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